The First
Who am I?
Female, A first generation
Pakistani Muslim.
Pakistan, base of culture
America my home,
English is foreign.
Being Muslim,
Not easy,
America does not alleviate…
Society pressures and hates,
I practice,
I am different,
Looking for comfort in the world,
Express myself,
Not oppressed…
A women,
Expectations to be,
A Doctor, Surgeon, Lawyer…
But holding a raison d’etre,
Taking in change,
I am free,
With in myself,
I am me.
Practicing Islam,
Reading Quran,
Sunday school,
New hobbies forming,
Peer pressure, invisible.
I am me,
Myself, who I want,
Be original they say,
Then take me,
Not society
Growing into the women,
Women of my future,
Architect, Master's Degree,
Field Hockey right there as well,
A first generation everything,
Creating a new name,
Forming myself,
Away from society,
In my own home,
I am me.
No red lights, only green
Huge bumps,
Accidents, no totals,
Scratches, dents
Tires grapple through the quicksand,
I will be the first,
4 years and more,
Accept me for myself,
I promise to be me.