Fight to Unite
My splattered blood dries
over the newly cemented pavement
where my head collided,
after my back got soaked and bruised
from the fire hydrant
cause I'm fighting the tyrant
of segregation. You can crush
my wrists together in handcuffs,
propel fire on my freedom
riders bus, or feed me dried crust
if you must, but I will still fight.
For my brothers were back slashed
for being black and my sisters
were raped for looking back, and
you expect me to stay quiet about
that? You can tip your hat, smirk,
and laugh at my pride, but if you
ask me why I choose to fight
with all my might, I'll reply because
it's my right to dine at the finest
sip some wine with the highness,
sit next to the whitest kid and
learn how to write; this sight is
what I thrive to achieve, while
I stand with the King and proclaim
my dream, walk with Mrs. Parks
even when its dark, I'll march down
to Washington, while my stride leaves
a mark on history, no longer will
the disgusted looks of whites be
a mystery, for teachers will stand
before a class and tell of his story,
what it was like to be seen as
sin, and they'll tell the dreadful
killing of Kennedy to the minds
of children in desegregated
classrooms, where they share the
same bathroom, not separated by
the color of their skin, but united
by their character - that lies within.