Feet off the Ground


United States
42° 4' 21.1872" N, 71° 2' 16.4076" W

When I was young and naive
And the world was in front of me,
My dreams were infinite
And heaven was a place so high
That I'd do anything to get my feet off the ground

A few years later,
I was still naive
And the world started narrowing it's options for me.
I fell in love like a vase from the Empire State
And broke just as hard.
With tears in my eyes.
One by one,
I picked my feet off the ground
But it wasn't quite the same.

And now that I'm older and slightly less naive,
I have no dreams
And hell is a place in my own mind
And with this rope around my neck,
I finally got my feet off the ground



Nice jobe james seriously, this is a very moving poem!

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