Fed up

If this teacher calls my name again I think ill go insane

I dont have space for all your yapping inside of my brain


All my classes are so boring and theres like 5 other poeple snoring

And I 've got missing assigments in every class

and if my mom finds out she'll beat my ass


I've been catcalled and insulted, Endurded Abuse that has never halted

Sexully assalted and I wish I wasn't wanted

I wanna be forgotten. They've said jokes I still haven't gotten 

Poeples attitudes are rotten and i don't think that their stopping


They say "To any one else living in hell

Don't be afaird to come out your shell

Theres people that will help but you have to tell

Dont bottle things and lock it in yourself"


Yeah, maybe but it feels like everyone hates me

I think everyone is shady

Just stop cause my name aint "baby"

I'd rather be treated like a lady


I'll shut up cause I've filled the cup

Its overflowing and ive had enough

I've had it rough and times are tough

I'm trying my best to not give up

I really need any ounce of luck

Cause I'm just fed up.



This poem is about: 
My community
Our world



I love this because I relate to it so much that im crying rn


Aw, I'm glad you love it! But it sucks to know that other people actully have to go through these things also. I hope things get better for you in the future


I hope things get better for you too. Also I read a couple of your poems you've made you are amazing at writing! (Sorry if that sounds creepy.)


Not creepy at all, and Thank you Im really glad someone enjoys my writeing.


My favorites are "Fed Up", "Not Enough", and "New Me". In some of the things I've wrote I talk about feeling like I'll never be enough for anyone, and "New Me" is really inspirational!

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