Far Away
I want to give you
The most beautiful words in the world
To hold in your heart
And keep on a cold day
When my voice is far too far away.
I want you to listen to their beat
And hear the beat of my heart
And realize
That it is metered and steady and true
Unlike that which is in front of you.
I want you to taste these words
On your tongue
Savoring their depth
And feeling how they form
In small crevices
Fractal caverns:
Infinite possibilities in those spaces.
And on your lips as they pass, heavy as the air they touch, I want you
To feel my kiss
As I whisper to you
The most beautiful words I know
The ones which describe you
And the deepest feelings
That cannot be confined to letters
And to syllables
Those ones
That I hold in the quiet haven
Of my silent, steady heart, I wish
That you too might know.