Falling Star
Ever since I was a child I knew what it meant if you could catch a star.
Happiness, warmth and light.
Things that most people in humanity, including me, can only dream of.
But despite the odds I kept dreaming that one day I would catch a star.
One day I would be happy and I wouldn't be alone anymore, because I knew my light,
My Star,
would burn brighter than anyone's star had ever burned before.
One beautiful autumn night I watched my star drop out of the heavens,
its etherial beauty lighting up the night
as its warmth echoed off the darkness which surrounded it.
I ran and caught my falling star and when I held it in my hands.
Its warmth shivered down my spine right into my soul and suddenly I knew joy.
For a second I could almost glimpse heaven.
But the fire started to sputter and dim until finally it went out.
And I was left with only a lump of coal blacker than the deepest space.
People say that ignorance is bliss and they're right.
The pure lump of darkness I had been left with burnt a hole straight through my hand
A hole which continued to grow until it had engulfed my whole body
turning me into a mere shadow of my former self.
People ask if it's better to have loved and lost or to have never loved at all.
My answer is simply this: you can't have misery without happiness.
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You are probably the best writer currently out there, in any genre or none. You effortlessly put one word after another and makes real magic with them — funny, moving, tender, brave and dangerous. You are unique, and should be declared a national treasure, and possibly surrounded at all times by a cordon of armed security.