Faded Love
When I look at you
You were the one that set me on fire
Burned me alive and heard those terrible screams telling you to stop
But you sat there watching
as I burned to a crisp
And left me as a pile of blackened dust
waiting to be carried away by the wind
with no remorse
no pain.
When I look at you
The one who blindfolded me
tied me up
and forced me to walk on the edge of the jagged cliff
With the hazardous rocks below, like specks on a page
Who pushed me off in the uncharted waters
and into the searing rocks below me
Who let me drown
with your face off in the distance the last thing I see
Until the blue encompassed my body,
caressing it like a blanket
as you did to me
eones ago
A thunderstorm of tears have washed over me
from all the bruises you've made
And I cry a thousand more
whenever I look at you
Because you feel no ache
no grief
and you don't know that this
is what you've done
to me