F is for Freedom
For the land of the free, there sure is a lot of bondage and incarceration imbalance.
You can only go to jail if you're not a straight, conservative, wealthy, white male.
Sure is a lot of segregated qualifications to achieve the "American Dream."
Sure is a lot of oppression toward those whose ancestors were in bondage.
Hate crimes on racial minorities.
The struggle for LGBT+ rights.
Islamophobia and Xenophobia.
Sexism and workplace discrimination.
All the rights that were fought for.
All the lives that were lost or
Changed forever due to injury
Post-Traumatic Stress.
Sure is a lot of that floating around in these "United" States of America.
How is this the land of the free if we had to fight a civil war to abolish slavery.
I guess when you write the Star Spangled Banner, your eyes are so star spangled
That you only see that the flag waves over the land of the free white people.
"The rocket's red glare.
The bombs bursting in air."
Over the Middle East.
Anti-immigrant laws.
Scratch that, actually.
Because they’re executive orders.
“Freedom isn’t free.”
As true as that may be,
Some aren’t even able to
Cash in our ancestors’ deposits
After they already paid for it.
With blood
And burning sweat
And tears
So many bitter tears
Alarms in Aleppo...
Bombs over Baghdad...
Congratulations to the Captains
The alphabet is changing.
But the constant is F
for Freedom.