What's the point of side niggas..
What's the point of a side bitch..
Why can't we be satisfied with that one nigga...
Y do we need a ride or die...
Y do we need to pull dah trigga...
Just to prove how much we down..
Why can't we love just one person
And hold that person down..
Why do we need a side....
We have the want of relationship goals..
Without setting those goals...
We have the mentality of never having enough....
We always want that extra...
That just in case...
That SIDE..
So how do u excpect to settle down and be happy....
What if it all back fires...
We're all looking for love..but no one is willing to make the sacrifice...
No one is Willing to go that extra mile...... But they make sure they have that EXTRA...
No one is willing to give their all...
No one is willing to open up...
But I guarantee you... Its takes no more than seconds for that extra to get in between ur legs