Explanations of a Pathological Liar
I am a liar. I take credit for what I haven’t done. This causes me to distrust other people, and ultimately continue lying. I can’t seem to stop. I guess I feel as if I’m nothing without my lies, and sometimes, it’s just to cover up the shameful things that I’ve done. I’ve lied since I was small. It started with lies about wetting my pants (laugh, I know) and grew to help me function in day to day life. I even lie to myself. I found that lying: 1-Keeps you from getting in trouble when done successfully 2- Makes people think you’re a lot more interesting than you actually are. Am I bad for lying? Yeah, I know God says not to lie; and I know it can be dangerous, but is it my fault? My compulsive and believable lying makes everything confusing. Sometimes I don’t know what to believe, I tend to trick myself into actually remembering the lie. It’s unreliable and immoral, I know, but it’s what gets me through the day. And most importantly, I can’t stop.