It's hard to explain
but lets give it a try
I know I don't express a great deal of pain
so few actually ask why
I always walk around with a smile on my face
That's just a fade
that I use to get around this place
It's just easier made
How I actually feel is unknown to me
that adds a lot of confusion
But life isn't a cup of tea
Its more like an unsolved illusion
that's keeps your mind moving
Your body going
Keeps you living, thinking, wondering
Just not believing
Some people fight for love
that's a great possibility for me
but can it be true
that someone may actually have that ability
To understand this undesirable, indecisive , incapable person
I'm believed to be
or is it just me
that seems there is no possibly
An explanation of what truly is me
Will never be in the minds of anybody
It's not even a capability
Until its answerable to this empty body
That needs to discover their own identity
That's lost in the sea of humanity
Trying to decided my own destiny
Is this what the world is made out to be
Judging by only what is seen in their reality
But not what really matters
Those other factors
That make up your inner being
who you think of yourself to be
No one knows who I really am
Few only know the bits and piece
and others make up what they can
No one knows the true feelings I may have
Just the ones of this "happy" girl
But in the real world
Its more than that
It's more than thinking you can call me what you want
Im still gonna laugh it out
but im just really keeping the real words inside my mouth
I may hate it
but you wouldn't know what it is to be considerate
You all are just illiterate
Not in words but emotion
Not in your ability to read but to see, these true identities
That exist in my reality
Its hard to explain
But everyone is not the same
Emotionally, Physically, their ability to love somebody
Thats just crazy
Because I know it's not just me
Being seen through a tunnel
Where only what they wanna see
Is comprehensible
It's like a puddle
You won't know how deep it actually is
Until you put on your shoe
And soon realizes
Who, This Girl really is