Explain to me
Why'd you care if he/she had short of long hair?
What does it change is he colors his face?
Why are you affected when he puts on dresses?
Explain to me why you are angered because someone was born into the wrong gender.
Hate and judgement turning the world into a dungeon.
Yes you are different but why now are you flippant?
Calling yourself a christian, preaching love and forgiveness.
Could you give some acceptance.
I believe in the father son and the holy spirit, but I can't stand to hear that
my reliigion is against another.
I choose my friends by there pureness.
Who they are, how they live
and I..
never thought for a second that anything else mattered.
Be yourself, make a difference.
What makes you happy is your buisness,
I'll stay me and you stay you
and that won't change if we stay friends.
Who you date and who you love is up to you and your god.
"Go to hell"
well, "Go look in a mirror"
Say something nice or I don't want to hear it.
Go ahead, disagree, it's still a matter of opinion
but don't share words of hate,
instead try to listen.
Understanding and compassion.
That fuels positive action,
Today the media puts it on display
I'm trying to understand they say,
well take a step back and let's not make jokes.
Put yourself in their shoes, like you'd do for most.
You can put them on a scale, right next to you.
They'd weigh the same and look the same,
because they're human too.
Love is love and that is a fact.
I've seen gay and transgender marriages last much longer than the rest.
I don't think it matters, it should't be a big deal.
Let others be themselves.
Let others be real.
This poem is about:
My community
My country
Our world