The spotlights are all on me
Everyone’s eyes are bearing down
They are all expecting to see
Me without a frown
They just won’t let me be
I’m afraid that I will drown
I just stand there, mouth agape
They watch me, staring straight
Into my soul, through my gown
I try my best not to flee
But, they won’t let me be
I’m afraid I will drown
I don’t know what to do
They watch me, eyes glaring through
I just stand there mouth on lock
I frantically check the clock
If only they would let me be
I’m afraid I will drown
How much more time
Must I waste before freedom can be mine
Solitude is what I desire
In this endless quagmire
Because they won’t let me be
I’m afraid I will drown
Expectations are what I dread
They watch my every move
I must watch where I tread
It is something I must prove
Since they won’t let me be
I’m afraid I will drown
The expectations are enough
To make me lose it all
It is all I can do not to bluff
Until the inevitable fall
They still won’t let me be-
I’m afraid I will drown.