Everything is going to be amazing - Poem about a new year by Partiv
Sup yall, ya know me in the hood tonight
Imma show yall why it's gonna be a great year for us all
So to the biggity to the bop here we go
2019, the year of the pig the year to fix all of my mistakes
The year where I change all my bad perks and correct my errors
Slow dancing in the night, working hard during the day and playing football every day
Eating good mac n cheese as he climbs into my stomach
And gets me ready for the day
And at night I’ll watch Tyrone Mohamed Tuklashanmoor videos
I’m going to forget all of my bad habits and start learning more mathematics
Improve the errors remove the terrors and put in more effort
I’m sorry for my mistakes and promise to showcase the best version of myself possible.
I will be as brave as a lion, as busy as a bee, as calm as a millpond
This year is mine, and just like a firework, ’m going to make an impact, boom boom!
TECHNIQUES USEDRhymingOnomatopoeiaPersonificationSimile