Everything is awesome
Everything is awesome. Everything I've seen in my life is awesome. Yes, not every moment of my life has been perfect But they've been worth it Waking up every day and seeing the Lord's glorious ways Seeing all the birds and the bees All the things in between the trees The sun, the sky, the non-artificial "high" Being able to get "high" off of life Is better than any penetration inserted into your thigh The moon, the stars, the dreams that seem so far Are closer than we think Everything that's orangey-pink The dreams, the goals, the sand in between your goals Enjoying the beach With the lovely people you meet People should be grateful for all the little things Including their feet I'm grateful that I have a roof over my head Place for me to sleep, food for me to eat But I know that it is because of the Lord's might That my life is alright Yes I complain, we all do, about life being unfair, being untrue But think about this Wouldn't life be better if we just thought about bliss? Not the materialistic items that we have created But the world around us, that should leave us elated Let's take tim to enjoy life Because as previously said, we only have one to live Enjoy each day as if it were your last Take time to enjoy the scenery Don't pass by so fast In the end you'll be glad that you did Because you enjoyed life, just as it is Everything. Is. Awesome.