Eternity and Back

How can you love me so when all I do is turn away

and turn my back unto your ways when I should really just be

living like you do? But how do I do

what you call me to?

I never seem to get it right and always seem to mess up

just exactly what you're calling me into. But yet

you love me to eternity and back.

How could you keep on loving someone who

constantly rejects the way to live and life you wanted me to have?

When all I say and do is contrary to who you're wanting me to be,

but yet you love me to eternity and back?

How could you love so much, so well when all I think is

so sinful and I can't seem to get anything right at all?

When you forgive each time I ask and you show love I've never had

and teach me subtly, comfortably, this life is not all that I have

because you love me to eternity and back.

It doesn't matter what I say as long as I don't turn away

and keep on striving to show love the way you do.

I know I'm always falling short but that's expected not important

since you love me to eternity and back.

You never leave me hanging, always loving, always saying

you just want me to be praising you and give you all my heart.

You just want me to love you back and to give you all that I had

just the way that you showed me you loved me too!

Gave up everything on the cross, giving up your life to save the lost

and loving to eternity and back.

You never say "it's too much. I don't love you, you're too messed up"

and you promise that you never, ever will!

How could you stay loving to me, when I'm regularly doing

exactly what I'm trying not to do?

It's by loving and forgiving, never caving, never leaving,

for you love me to eternity and back.

Thank you for loving to eternity and back.

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