Entangled by YOU


United States

I wish i never met YOU, because I would never know what hurt felt like.

But that hurt is what made me, understand, show, express, feel, CRAVE

How much i was in love with you How i WANTED you

NEEDED you, YEARNED for you

Just as much as you longed for me.

Sitting clearly confused in these feeling

I want you, i don't want you, I love you, i hate you

Should i stay ? Leave? Hold on? Let go?

Tied between these vines of you tangled in emotions,confused in feelings

Not knowing what to do,

You don't understand either

i stay silent And choke.

I don't die, i never do, because somehow u always save me.

Once again u draw me in,entangle me and Pull me from the wreckage of my,over-thinking mind.

I notice that I'm in love,how can i leave u?

One who cares so much, loves so much

Gives so much, whom I need so much. Truth is i can't and never will.

I want to stay entangled and choked With your love.

The way it should be, no other way.

But i cut that precious vine.

The one that would wrap and save me.

Now i'm drowning in, What ifs and what could have beens.

No one to rescue me.

i now entangle and choke myself

I hang myself with my own emotions.

--I'm dead. Died wanting what i had, but let go of. best thing with love that happened to me I cut the root now I'm alone and hurting.

Just hanging here,

wishing i had listened to ME.


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