The Endless Procession
You left us all, I didn't understand why you did that
I needed you, you were the one who always had my back
I am you, and without you, I would and could not exist
‘spose its life, and death is required for others to persist
I will take your place, in the endless procession of life
little else I can do but balance on the edge of that knife
knowing that I too will soon make that closing transition
passing the banner to my son as I join your final mission
Will you be there to guide me through the darkened gate
Your knowing hand on my shoulder, my dad, my best mate
What if you're not there, did you too have to travel alone
Will you and I become mist or will we resemble stone
Is that why you left, to show we only exist through our own
a existentialism that we are free to make ourselves known
We are, as we are and it is up to us to make a difference
One life, our own, so celebrate its sublime magnificence
I realise now why you left, you did have my back
your final lesson of life, to not be one of the pack
reach for perfection in all of lifes little directions
but don't get hung up on annoying imperfections
A lesson without words, a life's lesson in positive action
Strive to be all you can be, live life without hesitation
I know now I can follow you, as you left so I will too
So son enlighten your own, you're the next one through.