Education's Icarus
In education, there lies miscommunication,
misinformation, and misinterpretation--
for bright-eyed students lose their naivety and become
hard, cold, and cynical; like the ones that teach.
For those who can't do, teach,
but this idea transcends what students are capable of
reaching, and so another troglodyte in charge
hands out another packet,
and us students
behind bars.
We are warned not to fly,
not to spread our wings,
for if we soar too close to the sky,
the wax would melt and we would fall.
Fall, fall, fall--
did these teachers that preach consequence,
once stand tall? To then be taught by another hard, and cold,
and cynical supposed "educator" that taught them not to rise up
but to dream small?
Or to settle in complacency and not even dream at all?
Education is about communication--
intellectucal interpretation, putting ignorance on probation,
and seeking knowledge and perhaps even forming ideas of our own.
Sometimes these so-called "wise men" are simply blind leading the blind,
and if us students are trapped in a bind
do we parade around in circles like sheep until the end of time?
But students have to care, to build a city on a hill--
to demand that they be taught, to demand their education still--
their right to soar like eagles in the daylight, for by pursuing knowledge
what do they have to lose?
And maybe, along the way,
a teacher could learn something too.