Echo and Narcissus

Sat, 10/12/2019 - 17:02 -- Cinger

Narcissus the football star, 

Vain as could be,

Drew everyone’s attention,

No one could disagree.


But all his focus

Was only on himself.

Not one could catch his eye,

Not even with a bright pink shelf.


There was also a girl

Who never stopped trying

To get Narcissus’s attention

And always ended up crying.


The girl was called Echo

Because she was so shy.

She could only repeat what others said,

No matter how hard she would try.


Too nervous was she, 

To start a conversation,

She was often regarded

By others with degradation.


One day Echo got the courage

To talk to Narcissus,

But like all the others

She wouldn’t be his missus.


Echo fell into a depression

And wasted away.

The only part of her remembered,

Was her voice which kept others at bay.


Echo’s mom became the Nemesis

Of the boy who hurt her daughter.

And she came up with a plan

To push Narcissus into the water.


She tricked him to the edge

To see his reflection.

Then when he got close,

Shoved him in without hesitation.


But the revenge went too far,

Because the boy couldn’t swim,

And down to the depths,

Was Narcissus the victim.



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