Early Endings.
In the beginning there was light ..
& that light was good ..
When did it fall away ?
At birth I didn't cry , I suppose maybe that's the reason I've been fighting back tears ever since.
Pretty little girl from the projects , out the mud .. it took a while for me to digest where it all began.
I went from trying to block it to hastily giving in , everything flooding back I had to crawl out my own head. Daddy in and out , selling packs to the heads couldn't hold a job down , running from 6 , so my. Momma had to hustle , 5 kids plus bills meant she worked too hard to really be around , so I.
Had to grow up quickly.
Learned to cook , clean , and nurture so I could play the mother.
Learned to be father , uncle , auntie , sister & big brother.
Everything they needed.
I had to ..
Learn to speak quiet , embarrassing momma always ended in violence.
Fighting w daddy I was her outlet for beatings , better me then the babies I was eager to receive it.
I remember ..
Finding my peace w the darkness , getting locked up in closets.
Getting slapped around just for being , go to bed and pray to God I'd stop breathing.
I remember ..
Learning to comfort my siblings hush their groaning to silence , as we listened in quiet , to the screams of our parents.
It wasn't until my mother found Christ , that our home finally found peace.
... Guess you can say he heard my prayers all the nights I would weep.
Yet my hardships weren't finished , just when I thought things were settled ... something new was beginning.
Barely 10 but I was fine though , didn't take long for a couple older guys to find me alone.
Forcibly removed from childhood ..
They adorned me with womanhood.
Bet they thought they were doing me a favor.
I remember ..
Racing against the clock , limping home hastily , washing the red stains from my clothing and my skin in the sink.
To scared to speak ..
For fear someone would see and confirm I was as disgusting as I felt.
To scared to scream ..
While the cuts on my face and arms began to swell and burn , I could only look in the mirror distraught , with my head hung.
Playing back in my head the sting from the blows of submission , I wish I'd kept screaming.
.. There would be no screaming now.
I crawled under my bed and wept , and slept.
To scared to ask ..
My mother looked with eyebrows raised at my bruises and gashes , she said nothing.
.. Guess her salvation was to premature at the time for compassion.
... Guess you can say I was bound to be troubled , surprised I didn't turn out messed up .
It would be false to say I lived without these experiences effecting me though.
Easy to forget a memory when you pretend it didn't happen.
Never told a soul until I was 18 years old.
Early on ..
I was different.
Didn't take too much interest in guys put me on the path where I only trusted women.
Still reluctant with touching I took myself out positions.
Heightened sexual tensions around me throughout adolescence , while all my peers were exploring I was uncomfortable with the slightest affections.
My fear came off as aggressive.
Physical and mental.
Couldnt hold a steady relationship let alone a conversation.
Cause I couldn't deal with the questions of why sex was out of the question ..
Adolescence ..
Struggled with my placement among races.
I was too light to be black , and too mixed to play white.
Grandmother never taught mother Spanish so no accent to pull on.
And let's face it , unless I planned on living on the reserve being Native American was placeless.
I found my place in my writing.
I found my place in the sweet sound of music.
I found my place in nature.
I found myself .. In myself.
No matter what life threw at me , I put on a mask and played the part of the happy till I actually was ..
No matter what she put me through , I respect , forgive , and love my mother ..
Death over dishonor.
No matter how much pain I experienced , I know God never left me.
I'm a statistically imbalanced quad-racial miracle, and I am okay with that.
I am steady overcoming trials.
I salute those who can look at my life from the outside and recognize the pain I am built with on the inside.
But understanding and knowing are different ..
This is my early endings.