Dullahan's Fairie Cab
A darkened night to walk alone
No stars to light the path
A chilly breeze blows your way.
You find your lips soon chapped.
A bright light comes to sight.
A flicker of fear begins to stir.
In a moment's breath, a taxi comes
Yet the silence reigns the air.
It stops
Several feet away
You stop,
Yet your curiosity betrays.
Then from afar, a shadow approaches
And sloshes into the back seat.
The cabin lights, faint but enough,
Reveals a carcass of rotting meat.
The door slams shut
And the taxi begins to move.
Still frozen in fear,
You hear the deafening hooves.
As it encroaches,
The distance closes.
Its unveiled sight
Makes you hopeless.
A horse's skull, its proud ornament
Glares a death stare.
But the driver?
A headless taximan who brings nothing but nightmares.
You take a second glance,
His moldy lone head beside him
When his eyes locks with yours,
Your fate has all been decided.
By the next time you meet,
You will ride with him too.
For when he speaks your name,
Death has chosen you.
His cackling drowns in the unknown
On a darken night to walk alone