Dry Tearz
You was placed in this world for one reason and one reason only, that’s to stay black and to die black I was always told. But I’ma need you to step in my shoes and walk around in it for a lil bit. It all started at the age of 2……..
I was no longer lost yet I was found,
A married couple of 12 years had chosen this young child.
Fed me, loved me, and taught me wrong from right,
Til I reached a certain age where my body he had liked.
Grabbed me, touched me, and rejected the word stop! (sighs)
Momma wasn’t around to see the tears that I shared almost every night,
Had to work to pay off bills to keep on the lights.
Somehow we ended up moving to start a new life….
Growth spur start to kick in and my mind was set,
Losing acceptance for my mom was the hardest I had felt.
Ah runaway I became when I was in my teens,
Momma had accused me of being on the bean.
100 percent attendance when I was in school,
Had ah smile on my face, yet inside I was a fool.
Ah fool that only the lord knows what I was going through.
Yes I was….”Reminiscing on my past that was no longer my present”
Realized I was god’s gift and that I was sent from heaven.
Found confidence within me to keep movin’ on,
My struggles and my downfalls I can regret nothing, it only makes me strong.
Now here I am a senior, class of ‘2013
I’d rather be..getting a degree..instead of smoking trees,
And thinkin’ about my future and where I wanna be..in 2 to 3…years from now.
You see….society is only temporary,
Romney plans to cut what is our main priority.
Exempt the poor and focus on the rich,
No more financial aid, food stamps, so long monthly checks.
But let’s not forget about how depressed we are when we come from our job.
Notice I said a job, not a career,
Being uneducated and unemployed are two things that I fear.
But I know for a fact that I’m graduate this year.
Because I don’t believe that I was placed in this world for one reason and one reason only that’s to stay black and to die black.