Tires skidding
Metal crushing
My scream echoes.
I jolt awake
Blinking in the
Darkness, haunted
Breath heavy, the drive.
My leg aches.
I close my eyes:
The truck grows closer.
I open my eyes
Can't sleep.
Roll out of bed
Not ready to drive.
I grab my bag.
My sister waits;
she's still sore.
I look at Dad
Eyes pleading
I'm scared
He says drive.
Deep brearths:
Behind the wheel,
Eyes unblinking.
The engine roars
I hesitate.
I can't do it.
Mom says drive.
I drive slow,
Feeling the curves
Of the road.
Red lights
Turn to green.
My sister watches
She says drive.
The feel of
The petal beneath
My feet: it's right.
I feel free:
The ghosts and
guilt gone forever.
I say drive.