
Wed, 04/17/2013 - 22:12 -- pmart23


United States
39° 32' 51.9252" N, 105° 0' 53.3952" W

out of the deep at four am
to my bladders tidal calling
i waded up out of a dream
at the insistence of an organic
high tides inner pulling
i put my dream on hold
and in a neutral semi sleep state
i zombie walked with eyes closed
feeling my way through three dark rooms
and found the sleeping porcelain bowl
opened and waiting for nocturnal flow
but just before i let it go
i heard the geckos out my window
down in my garden singing
a sweet kalimba song
of bird like notes in tweeting tones
that interwove their delicate melody
with the tinkling sound of my own
sweet relief of dreamlands warm release
in my golden streams falling song
like a fluid xylophone
arcing through the dark
into a tranquil pool below
a liquid song off gecko tongues and porcelain
momentarily synchronized in two part harmony
across the silence of this still night
like an african lullaby
i briefly opened my eyes to spy
out my window into the falling silver light
of a full moon illuminating
my overgrown rousseau like
nocturnal garden down below
as i reclose my eyes and feel my way
slowly back to bed again
crawling in i think to myself
nice little intermission
as i surrender once more to sleep
back into that other
even deeper
inner dreamland


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