Dreamer's State Of Mind
I tend to find myself staring off into space
Dreaming that everything I pray for, falls into place
Happiness is what I chase
Hear the music, feel the base
Fears are what I face
Its time they be embraced
I’m moving at my own pace
Always got my shoes laced
I think it’s time to take a stand
Be that man
Let my words be heard
My vision is no longer blurred
Now my view of the world is clear
Wipe away the tears
I hope one day all the pain and struggles disappear
But until then,
I'll step up and persevere
You’ve got one shot to do what's right in this life
Always be polite and don’t forget to shine bright
Fight to spread the light
Never let your dreams out of sight
Every single day,
Mine are flowing through my mind
It's hard to move forward when you’re so far behind
All we have is time
Let your actions define the person you want to be
Clean up the debris and move on with the past
Life is what you make it
You’ve got to keep moving even when your feet aching
In the end it'll be worth it, there's no forsaking
Let the pain fade away
I'll bring an end to those cloudy days
No more shades of gray
Let me bring color to your world
Don’t let life slip away
We're all people, we're all the same
Just different faces and different names
In the end, don’t forget
We as people are all that remains.