When I was little I didn’t want to be a princess for Halloween, I wanted to be Peter pan. Peter pan was awesome he never grew old, plus he could fly. I didn’t understand why all these girls around me wanted to be princesses, I didn’t fantasy’s of be rescued by some handsome prince, I wanted to do the rescuing. I wanted to slay the dragon and climb the castle. I wanted to be the superman, the prince charming, the hero. By middle school I realized you had to pick between girl and hero. So I did what most girls did, I went out and bought dresses, no matter how uncomfortable they were, and makeup, no matter how much time it took to get it to look perfect. I became obsessed with the idea of finding my knight in shining armor. By high school my thoughts of being peter pan were long gone, and faded into nothings. I no longer had dreams of saving people; I had dreams of being saved. This is what our society takes from us today; it takes our courage to dream, and morphs it into doubt. It takes our worship of our childhood hero’s from comics and movies and morphs us to worship the rail-thin models in our magazines. For some reason society makes us seem weak. Even though we have had to claw our way up from the bottom, and fight for every right that men were simply born with, even though we spend every second of our lives trying to climb our way over the wall that is society’s rules, they still tell we are weak. I would like to thank them for that, because it’s only made us stronger. For every cent difference between what a man makes compared to what a women make we have to fight a little harder. For every decision made for us by the high and mighty male dominated politicians we have to fight a little harder. For every guy that says women can’t…. play sports, be independent, succeed or the millions of others things that we apparently “cant do”, we have to fight a little harder. We have the choice to create new fairytales, better ones, ones were we rule the story, where the prince has to wait in a tower surrounded by lave for us to rescue them, and most importantly we have to remember it’s not too late to slay the dragon.