Don't call me crazy, I read.
I've travelled a lot, all across the world. Although I've never been outside my homeland. I've never been on a plane, but I've seen oceans and deserts, and the hustling cities, from a quiet rooftop. I've visited cities like Amsterdam, dropped in on Hotel Filosoof, and watched Hazel and Augustus have their first glass of champagne. And I heard the woman yell in Dutch, "What a beautiful couple!" I've stayed in Beaufort, North Carolina, and watched Jamie and Landon perform. I've seen her walking down the aisle, and 've cried. I've known grief and heartbreak, even though I've In my own life. I've known abuse, And how Nana taught Mariam, "Like a compass needle that always points north, A man's accusing finger, always finds a woman." I've known fear, when Betty Mahmoody tried escaping the clutches of the abusive family. I've known bravery, when I saw Ron sacrifice himself in a game of chess, and when Neville striked, the mighty silver sword, marking the end of Nagini. I've known friendship, When I witnessed Weasley, Granger and Potter, Stick together in the journey of 4,224 pages. I've known Pride, and humour and wit. I've laughed with Lizzie and her father at ridiculous things; and I've disliked Mr. Darcy, for just a nano second, Only to fall in love, With yet another Austen girl. I've known the love of family, In the bond between the March sisters. I've experienced inequality, But I learnt to not let my will be thwarted. I remain my own man, like Laurie. I've known love, to its extremities. I've met so many people that I don't remember their names. But when you ask me, "What's your name?", I can think of a hundred names, other than my own. I'm Stefan and Stiles, I'm Niklaus and Elijah, Georgia and Hermione, I am Elizabeth and Jo. I am all the stories I've read, And poems that I poured my heart into. I am the bits and pieces put together, the words and the space between the lines that left a mark, and swallowed up a part of my soul. I'm me. Don't call me crazy. I read.