Do you want to be loved or not?
Its 3am when he leaves,
You know this because you were expecting it to happen,
They never stay
And you never learn,
That your body might be a temple but not everyone is meant to worship in it.
Babe listen to me
I care about your happiness
Do you?
Does the girl in the mirror mean anything to you?
Have you really lost hope?
Honey simply because you walk away from a battle zone
Doesn't mean the war is over
The war never ends
Setting your guns down will only make you more vulnerable
So I beg you,
Don't let them in anymore
Close the door, lock it
Throw away the key for they are only after one thing
And it is not your heart.
I know you are looking for him
Your prince charming
Your soul mate, the one
But Love, they lied to you,
Your knight in shinning armour won't come riding a white horse
He's probably the guy you ignored,
The one with the car that always breaks down
And makes weird noises
But still he doesn't give up on it
Darling you are broken car,
And the sooner you leave your tool shade
And allow him to fix you the better
But it's hard to help someone who doesn't want to be helped
So before you attend to your 8pm appointment
And repeat last night's mistake
Answer this
Do you want to be loved or not?