Do you remember?
Do you remember
That time I slipped up while speaking
and you laughed at me?
Well, I do
Do you remember
When I tripped and fell
and you didn’t help me up?
Well, I do
Do you remember
When I was finally passionate about something
and you very much weren’t?
Well, I do
Or the time
You found one of my weaknesses
and ignored my protests?
Well, I do
They may not have been important to you
But I cannot forget
All of the times you didn’t know that you wronged me
You may not remember
But they are etched into my mind
as things I should have changed about myself
and not things that you should have
I saw them as my own shortcomings
and not as yours
Do you remember
When you ridiculed my ability to play games
and forgot I hadn’t played them as much as you?
Well, I do
Do you remember
When you said you come back
and I begged you not to go?
Well, I do