Do you Really Know


United States
35° 10' 40.0584" N, 120° 28' 54.642" W

Many things may happen in the world every day.
Do you really know what happens or not?
Another question is does the news really tell the truth?
Or is it just a big batch of lies?

When people come by and ask you the dreaded question.
Where do you really think you will be in ten years?
Do you really know or do you just wing it?
Do you tell then you will be where you really want to be?
Or do you say you really just don’t know?

Do you bother to watch the news?
Or just stick to the news papers?
Do you use commonsense?
Do you watch it but keep your opinion?
Do you make educated guesses on things?
And as to whether they are true or not?

When someone hands you a magazine what do you say or do?
Do you stare at the cover and laugh at the peoples mistakes?
Or do you hand it back to them?
Do you say those are all lies?
Do you say no one is perfect?
Do you say they are just trying to be normal, and do what they love to do?

I know that the news is sometimes a good thing.
But be sure that you give yourself a reality check.
Say to yourself that they really are normal people.
They are just trying to live normal lives and do what they love to do.


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