Do You Miss Me Yet


United States
46° 27' 47.9412" N, 92° 46' 48.6696" W

(In memory of all the lives lost to suicide every year)

Would you miss me?
If I disappeared today?
How about tomorrow?
Or the next day?

If your answer is no,
You should merely stop reading this poem...

Did you stop?

If you didn’t, thank you
At least my words mean something to you...
at least they do now.
I want to tell you something,
It not a secret,
nothing special...just my thought

Are you ready?

I walked through life day to day knowing I was different,
And they never let me forget,
But what ’s so cool about being normal?
All you are is what they want you to be,
not yourself...
You are like a project to them,
Manipulated, remodeled, and fixed until THEY think you are perfect.
I didn’t want to live like that...
so I didn’t.

As a child they tell us about the ugly duckling,
But what if we never grow out of it?
What if....Just what if I didn’t want to be a swan?
I didn’t want to be them,
I didn’t want this to happen,
To cover these battles,
What if I didn’t want this...
I didn’t want this...

Now you see what happened…
Don’t you?
There is no chance to undo this,
Their solution...Their solution went wrong.

So...Would you miss me?
If I disappeared today...
How about tomorrow?
Or the next day?
I know I miss you...I miss life,
But it’s too late for that...
I’m gone now...forever

Do you miss me yet?


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