Do I Forget You or Regret You?

Tue, 04/30/2024 - 12:50 -- Warrick

Was it the right decision?

I don’t know.

I feel better but I feel worse.

Telling you to go away, was it right?


You were at a low during your life, but you ruined mine.

Should I have stayed, or held my ground?

Should I have forgiven you, or let you go?

I loved you, you loved me.


Or did you?

Was it all just a ploy?

For the title of being taken?

Do I want to know?


Sometimes I miss you,

Sometimes I wish I never met you.

Was it worth it?

“No” my brain says.


“Yes,” my heart argues.

I see you with her, I remember the destruction.

“I didn’t want to be friends with her”

Lies, all lies. 


Where do your loyalties lie?

With prettier girls?

Clearly not with me. 

Clearly not with me.


So to you, goodbye.

I’m still pondering if I should regret or forget.

Maybe regret is better.



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