Do I
My mind is an ever-evolving ball of guilt and shame
Every thought twists and turns, leaps and lunges, crosses and curves
Every time I catch one two others take its place
I’m only sixteen
I’m supposed to be worrying about the test I have Thursday, the homework I left unfinished, the trends at school, the girl I’ll one day take to prom
That’s what everyone tells me, at least
Instead I spend my days trapped inside the prison that is my head
Hoping for a key that will never come to set me free
Stuck wondering what if I was this skin color, or that gender instead
Wondering about the unacknowledged privileges granted to me
There are too many issues to choose from
Do I talk about how a nation that prides itself on its treatment of women and minorities
A nation that attempts to present itself as a model for the world
Because we are America, land of the free, home of the brave
Has gone against everything it says it stands for to elect a sexist, racist, angry, bigot?
To become America, land of the privileged few, home of the fearful many
Free speech suddenly becomes justification for hate speech
Or do I talk about the hypocrisy of a religion that preaches love for all people because hallelujah GOD IS GOOD
That is, unless you’re Buddhist, atheist, or any other non-conformist
Unless you’re homosexual, transsexual, or bisexual
Because don’t be silly, the Bible says Adam and Eve
Not Adam and Steve
And YOUR choice goes against everything I believe
Or maybe I talk about how by vocalizing my internal struggle
I have no doubt I will be labeled too passionate
Too loud
Too aggressive
By some of you in front of me
The list goes on and on
And now I pray to a god I don’t believe in
In a nation I’m losing faith in
That these words do not reach you as words of anger
But instead as words of frustration
That something like this or that can define a whole nation
And I pray to a god I don’t believe in
In a nation I’m losing faith in
That you decide to live open minded
Because there was a time where once I can’t say I did
And to be truthful
I still can’t say I do