Do Better
Do better
Cuz this lackin is leaving slack
My rope, don’t forget you gotta pull me up, Boy
You got responsibilities, Boy
Can’t enter this grand canyon if you gots baby boy grip, I mean,
Baby Boy
Grip these damn hips already
Is you scared?
Scared of a little thunder
Of a little infinity, my affinity is no mystery Mr and I know you see this welcome sign
See these pearly whites alright, all right, all bright in your direction
I mean, Boy
Do you not see this regal reflection
This image of goddamned beauty, kindle
Flame, and dim glowing amber in one body, Boy do better
Cuz this loving from afar has gotten taxing
You love like 2 am phone calls
All whispers and forgotten in the morning are your affections
Maybe you, like the moon, can only begin your glory when the sun shuts the fuck up
Sits its ass down somewhere, maybe
I'm the sun
Maybe you are scorched sand begging for overcast, maybe I've overstayed my welcome
Like a winter day
Long when it shouldn't be, colder than is usually found pleasant
I guess you can say I’m clumsy
I often trip over my own tongue, have still not gotten over my lisp, my voice cracks when people disagree with me
I take it personally
And personally, I don't really have much faith in my face
But will throw it at you like the book, have you believing I think it gospel
Think it ought to have a place in the prayers in your mouth, think
My mouth has a place on your mouth, I mean does it not tho
Are the grooves of your lips not a kin to mine, do we not balance one another
A yin and a yang, both black, you moon
Me sun, me moon
You sun, you can play whichever part you would like just
Let me fall in your orbit