divided states of america (united we will stand)
i'm from the united states of america
i live in the divided states of america
where we are under one nation of God
but yet, people don't know him
when folks get exasperated, they yell god dammit
how can God be damn if He didn't commit any sin to you
when any person get execrated, they shout jesus christ in vein
world that continues to incite separation
in raising body temperatures so high, people suffer hypertension
full of hate
hearts harden that is full of evil thoughts
distortion that pierces weaken souls to suppress love that conquers fear
i'm no fan of either trump nor hilary
a source is reported that russian president vladimir putin allegedly is involve
in the email scandals during the 2016 election
where he held a grudge with disgruntle feelings that's irrelevant
now if that's true
president elect will be impeach
prison of war erupts so viciously
the news won't have a sports section due to ongoing of killings reported
corny as it may sound, cheaters never prosper
John 8:12 states "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life"
when you commit sin, you are a slave of sin
Galatians 5:19 reminds me on the acts of flesh that include:
sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy
fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, faction, envy, drunkeness
i know that in the end while people are still fighting
The Lord is preparing me a place to live where i'm no longer a visitor.
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I love how this shows the state of America from a non biased side,
great poem!
The unapologetic MVP is equally known for his poetry and essays. In every medium, he transcends form and uses words to dismantle systems of oppression.
I love this poem! I love how it's about God and how corrupt the government is. I'm glad someone had the same feelings about the government as I do. Instead it f relying on them, people should reside on the lord.
The part I loved most of the poem was when you said that the lord is preparing you for a better place. It gives the reader a sense of hope after reading about war and government issues. It gives the reader a feeling that theres more yet to come and it's going to be better.
Keep writing ! I love it !