Disunited States
In these Disunited States
We're always concerned with such petty things as
Left or right
Black or white
This or that
Always a choice, never a compromise.
Once, we spoke softly
And carried a big stick.
Now, we're screeching
And carrying a Glock.
In these Disunited States
We bicker amongst ourselves
As our nation
falls around us
Because everyone wants to be their own country.
Once, we had nothing to fear
But fear itself.
Now, we show our cowardice
As victims of the world.
But oh, how I wish
That we could come together
Stop being so foolish
And change for the better.
That we are one nation.
That there's no need for tension.
Avoid the body bag
And salute the flag.
United we stand.
America is on its knees.