What is awesome about me?
For years, I wondered if I was ever seen.
If I was glass in water or an ink stain on paper.
What is awesome about me?
For years, I wondered if people cared about me.
If I was the little sister or the lost puppy.
Which one is more important?
What is awesome about me?
My lips form a smile through tears.
My grins spread the joy across my face.
They can be faked, forced, and forbidden,
but they still form.
My eyes reveal the emotions my smiles have hidden.
My smiles have hidden pain
while my eyes show the world my secret.
What is awesome about me?
My eyebrows have minds of their own.
They scrunch and furrow and jump,
allowing all to read my inner thoughts
while my smiles connived and my eyes lied.
Mynose is a mystery.
It stays in place, but the skin around it moves,
showing anger, disgust, and sometimes pain.
What is awesome about me?
My legs enable motion, allowing me to run, jump, and skip,
propelled by emotion.
My hands punch the air, the walls, and skin.
My fingers have stroked hair and skin in love
while my palms have slapped in hate.
Everything about me reveals what I feel.
Even when I try to hide my feelings,
my treacherous body presents them like a prize.
What is awesome about me?
My body's delight in allowing people to see past the frazzled, distorted truth.
To see me.