Disparate One
Straight brown hair, chinky eyes
Oh, is it me you despise?
I keep my head high,
despite all your lies.
I may not look like you,
but I am a human, too.
Who says my yellow painted skin
is considered a sin?
Always hiding,
not necessarily lying.
To all you say, I only nod
but don't worry, it's all a facade.
I am different than you all,
but that doesn't mean I will fall.
My golden skin tone
doesn't make me feel alone.
I am better than your harsh words,
although it is quite absurd.
Is it truly a facade or a front?
Am I now being too blunt?
If I wear this mask,
then your winning will last.
Stronger, wiser, more confident,
this is just a consequent.
You've taught me being a minority
only gives me more authorirty.
I will not hide or no longer cry,
I will only say goodbye.