
Philippians 2:3 

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit,

but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.


Dimensional … self in self


I never got to meet you ... why do I know you well?

I can’t remember seeing you ... why are you in my heart?

What did I ever do to you ... as far as you can tell?

I mentioned your name to God ... does that ring a bell?


Did it start when I was younger or in my teenage years?

I think in my adulthood where it blossomed without restriction.

Now I go around blaming through habit about all my peers

as an easy way out to stare within and disguise my affliction.


If I did not know the better ... I would accept me as normal

A strange state of heart ... that I don’t understand at all

Does it make a difference if my impressions in part or total

are not making any sense as that confusion in me always calls


Jan Wienen

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