A slave to one's own mind.
Time and time again, I sit there in a continuum of fluster.
The strength I could not muster.
For I am alone.
Here to pick up the pieces to the puzzle on my own.
Guessing about what's next.
Wanting to get my fix, but not wanting to
go back into that dark chapter in my life.
A point in time where there was no light.
Only mere darkness that consumed me whole.
Making me another individual that was bold and cold hearterd,
Departed from what was and what is to be.
Nothing is what it seems, until looked at from a different position.
Opposition to my oppressor gained my attention.
That as a person, I was never awake.
Being one-sided was a mistake.
That a hero with a cape couldn't even salvage.
But I learned my lesson.
To not be of depression, but to be a blessing,
And to make it through this recession with consciousness.
Don't be a subject to the world but to individuality.
Pave your own path, set goals, and make them a reality.
-Ale'zha Crowder