Definition of D.I.S.C.R.I.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N by Ava Grace Maxwell


the unjust treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, relgion and beliefs.“D” stands for Different

Don’t try to be anyone else because they are all taken

“I”  Ignore

When someone is being cruel to you it’s because they don’t think very highly of themselves

“S” secure 

When you‘re secure of yourself, there is no need for putting others down, only to lift them up

“C” Confident

Being able to belive in yourself when everyone else dosen’t is the greatest accomplishment 

“R” Rageless

Having the patients to deal with idiotic people all day long is basically a superpower

“I” Inspirational

Just by being who you are, little boys and girls dream that one day they’ll be just you

“M” Magnificent

Strut your stuff, honey, because no one else is going to do it for you

“I ”Intelligent  

Smart enough to know that other peoples words don't apply to you

“N” NIce

Two wrongs do not make a right

“A” Accountability 

Take into account that you are the only person that can change what isn’t just

“T” Temptations

Keep looking straight ahead because hitting others will put you in jain but get them a nobel peace prise

“I” Integrity

Do whats best even if no on is looking

“O”  optimist

 the glass is always half-full

 “N” noble

Keep your head high! Confidence gets you places



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Ava Maxwell

Hello! I hope you all enjoy this poem! I am stilll learning the ways of my pen.

-Ava Maxwell

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