A Deficite of Crystalline Love
Oh say can you see
By the dawn’s early light
Narcissism and bureaucracy
Have distorted our sight
Oh say can you see
Our criminal justice system favors the rich
The middle class man works a low wage dead end job
Unemployment, homelessness
This is America’s niche
And the rockets’ red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Another declaration of a World War
But what of our men
This is so unfair
Steve Stephens
How could you
You son of a gun
You terrorized a man
Shared it on Facebook
then went for a run
Oh say can you see
With the setting of the sun
It is proof in the night
That we’ve maxed out on our filthy fun
Please expedite the havoc
and bring on world peace
We beg for it
We demand it
You gerrymanderers, terrorists, and vile people
Our voices will never cease
When will liberty and justice prevail
With freedom for all
We have 99 problems
They all started with a wall