The Debate
Let’s get something straight, just because we both debate
It gives me the right to hate on what’s real or consider fake
I have seen your take, and all the facebook posts you paste
As of late I just get tired of half-baked notions you make
As a person you think you’re great, but don't get it all twisted
Have you even lived it? Let’s compare wisdom & see which is it?
You swear that I'm livid and some dip shit while your shits it
You made it my business when I witnessed the crap you insisted
Are you a whiz kid? I hold no grudge, but who made you the judge?
I have proof & won't budge! I won't begrudge, I will show you love
And give you a hug, but don't act as if I support fools or thugs
Our borders overrun by pools of drugs, what will a wall do for us?
Except to use more funds, Mexico's paying for shit so get a grip
Trump even lied about his trip, oops did that slip? That's legit!
That's just his shtick; his kids aren’t fit & father’s a halfwit
If Trumps in office we'll have shit, countries will laugh & split
NATO will be half assed & whipped, wars our destiny & our enemy
Trumps no friend to me, he's the pretend to be and way too empty
I'm nice but really don't tempt me to expose those pretending
I know your venting endlessly amending ways to display your Emmy
Don't try to befriend me when you align with racists & only white faces
Too you I'm quite faceless and tasteless! But you stereotype races!
Show me where your place is? Are you complacent living in a basement?
Can you show me where Trumps case went? We all know frauds adjacent
Your lies are dropping like encasements, the GOP are like cave men
You’re wondering where the slaves went? You’re scared of all gay men
ALL Mexicans are not aliens; your racism is blatant as assailants
Your brain must be vacant and filled with hateful statements
I'm ready for your abatement, because Fox has you gassed up
You bash us as a crass punk; let’s dump Trump in a trash truck
The Dems will break your ass up you dumb f$ck like a glass cup
I dare you to ask us, our Liberal nation sums up your last buck
Trump will be in Handcuffs, let’s try to see you stand tough
Are you man enough to admit your plans enough to really damn us?
Our demands will erupt with anger; you all act as afraid as traitors
Trumps honesty is a stranger; we'll be victims of this slave trader
I don't support gang bangers, nuclear war or a slave’s behavior
We must fight dictators! Ignite our might or be in grave danger
I hate this agitator who stereotypes us like we're depraved haters
Let’s ask our great creator how he thinks that were enslaved takers