Death is...
Death is getting
a call
at seven in the morning
asking you to
come to the hospital
to see your sick
Death is finding out
that he is taking
a nose dive
and requires surgery
to put an IV
in his juggular.
Death is having the doctor
come to visit
you and your family
and telling you
Grandpa can no longer
breathe on his
Death is standing
in his hospital room,
watching his stomach
as the breathing machine
pumps air
in and out, in and out, in and out.
Death is watching
his heart monitor
plummet like a
Death is holding his hand
and thanking him
for everything
and telling him
you love him
as he
What I really
want to say is
death is final,
death is real.
But it doesn't seem
final and real.
I still expect
to walk to Grandpa's house
where I will find him
sitting at the kitchen table,
eating dry roasted peanuts,
and he will say with a laugh
"Well, Rylie Maria, I haven't
seen you in months!"
even though
it's only been
a week.
Life hasn't been
the same
since Saturday, September 13, 2014
at ten A.M.
Grandpa, I miss you
more than words can ever
begin to say,
and I can't wait
for the day when
the angels will
pick me up
and carry me home
to you,
where we can be