Dear Queen, (A Letter to Maya Angelou)
Dear Queen,
How is Paradise?
I bet it’s beyond nice,
….especially for you.
I mean, you worked very hard here on Earth.
You cared…..a lot,
You are loved,
and always will be loved.
It was a tragic day when we heard that you went on to
It was an eye opener,
especially for the youngsters.
You already know that we’re still marching,
and we’re still fighting
for the justice, and rights that we still don’t pretty much don’t have.
Many of us realize that we have to step it up.
We have to step it up just like you did, along with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, etc.
You know why?
I’m sure you know why,
because the moment that we do indeed sleep,
we’ll wake up with no rights.
I thank you tremendously for your courage,
I thank you tremendously for your works,
and most of all for being a Phenomenal Woman,
actually for being altogether Phenomenal.
It’s up to us…to know who we are,
and have a hunger and thirst
to know who we are!
It’s up to us, to maintain,
and be firm in our values.
It’s up to us, to continuously be aware of our surroundings,
Be Alert!
It’s up to us to be powerful
….Just Like You….
Enjoy Paradise Queen!
The Future.