Dear Mom... I'm Sorry
Dear Mom,
Sorry for making you worry since day one.
Sorry for not waiting 40 weeks to come out a healthy baby, but I'm okay now. I just wanted you to hold me right away.
Sorry for being the troubling one, compared to my sister who never did anything wrong.
Sorry for never knowing what was good and what was bad, I just wanted some attention.
Sorry for not having the best grades even though I was the only one that came home with honors.
Sorry for never making you smile so carelessly, like my sister did.
Sorry for never whipping my tears fast enough so no one would know we weren't what we seemed.
Thank you for reminding me all those terrible things I did when I was two.
I must have the same evil mindset, right?
Sorry for making you think I hate you, because I don't.
But what I'm most sorry about is hearing you never loved me, because now those words float through my head everyday.
It's not true though. Right?
Sorry for having a twin that seems to be perfect and tell people I'm the evil one.
Wait... I don't think you want me to apologize for that one.
Thank you for telling me that it would be my fault if she died.
Don't worry it's like I've wanted to die at times too, but it's okay because it won't be anyones fault by than.
Thank you for laughing at me when I told you I loved you. You didn't know what I had done, I thought it was the last time I would say that.
Sorry for being selfish and never caring about anyones feelings. Your the only one thats told me this so it must be true.
Sorry for being the daughter that made you raise your hand so many times, doesn't happen anymore at least.
Sorry for making you wish you could just run away. I thought I was only allowed to think that.
Sorry for making you wish you never had children. Or was it just me that you were-........ no.
Sorry for making you scream to the top of your lungs.
Sorry for making you think that I'm cold-hearted, I never had the best teacher to teach me otherwise.
Sorry for making you think I hate you, because I don't, I love you mom.
Sorry, you don't like hearing those words anymore.
Sorry for making you hate me mom, but at least you have the other me; my twin.
The only good thing of that egg splitting was that you got the perfect daughter.
Sorry it wasn't me though.
Your daughter that only knows how to say two words.