Dear Me
The life we live may not necessarily be the life we want
But we have to live it any way we can
Never regret the decisions you make
Because even the biggest mistakes will teach you the most valuable lessons
Yes I know it’s tough to live in the ghetto, the dark side of L.A
The side nobody likes to speak about
The side nobody would want or wants to live in
The side where nobody is expected to be successful
And where the people with money go to make themselves feel richer
I know you know this already
But it’s important for you to be reminded about this each and every day
Yeah, of course it is life is tougher when there is no money at home
When a single mother, who once tried to escape poverty from El Salvador
Is trying so hard to escape it once again
It is hard to know you can’t help her get through this
But I’m sure she would appreciate your effort
Anything that could help her stress out a bit less
Anything that could lower her future heart problems
Anything that made her worries less
Anything that would bring at least one more dollar home, do it
And even though that won’t help fix all the money problems back at home
It will definitely make it a bit better
As I reflect back to you
I remember how insecure I was
I am the girl who nobody believed in and who in return believed in nobody
I am that girl whose fear of being judged took over her personality
I am that girl who had friends but never felt like going out
Sometimes this girl wants to come back, and sometimes she just goes away
Sometimes I wish this girl could change, and be a toddler all over again
That 3 year old who could sing and dance to church songs in front of the whole world and not care about what they would have to say
That 3 year old who wasn’t afraid to be curious about her surroundings
That 3 year old that thought that life could only get better
Because when life started shifting and became more complex
When life presented you with a new sister and a new life without a dad
That’s when the excitement of ever having new experiences went down the drain
That’s when let your shyness and your fear control your life
And if I could go back to you, I promise you I would help you not miss all those beautiful opportunities you had to do what you had been wanting to do, or say all those things you had been waiting to say
I would stop the fear and the shyness from invading your life
You deserved so much more new experiences, and I’m sorry for not giving them to you
I’m still trying to change now
I am trying so hard to change
And all the time and effort I have put is there
You’ll see yourself speaking out for others
But most importantly speaking out for yourself
There might not be much of a difference between you and me
but in reality, there actually is
Oh, and remember your dream school?
Yeah, the one ten minutes away from home.
Yes, USC, your dream school since like forever.
Well guess what? You won’t be attending there, and it’s not because you got rejected, but because I decided to never even apply there
I’m sorry to ruin this for you
But some things are better to be said than to be kept secret
And some decisions are made based on what you want in life
I thought about your future
I thought about your past
I thought about all the new experiences I could have
Hoping that my shyness will not interfere with any of them anymore
Right now you may hate me
You may not think right now that any college is better than USC, but just trust me on this one
The place I chose for you may not be the best place on Earth
It may not be as prestigious as Harvard or Yale
But it is definitely the right place for you
The place where you will try to become a better person
The place where you will find your true calling in life
The place you will eventually call your second home
Just remember that your hard work will pay off at the end
Your mother’s effort will pay off eventually as well
And even though many people will come and go, remember family is always there
Family will be there to support you on your decisions
Some friends will support you in your decisions as well, and others may not
Nothing you are doing is in vain
So, remember this every single day you decide to give up
The life we live may not necessarily be the life we want
But we have to live it any way we can
And any way we want to