Dear Inequality
Man is great
Man is strong
Man is heroic
If they're white
God is man
God is also white
But God has no race,
Nor gender
Though that seems
Jesus will save you
Believe in him
And you will be
What of
Hell is sure to come
Even if,
All they wish for is pure
Even if,
All they wish for is peace
Even if,
They are also human
Homosexuals will also burn
Their horrible sin?
Following their heart.
Who could Imagine
Such an idea?
Such an Idea
That women could have
The freedom of expression
That a black man could walk outside
At night
And not be a criminal
A Muslim can come to America
For something like freedom?
Who could imagine
A world
Where individuals were not
Discriminated against based on
But times have changed
Women don't stay in the kitchen
Don't sit and look pretty
Aren't objects for men's pleasure
We have come this far,
Why do you still reject us equality?
Why must I be quiet with my opinion
To not be called a bitch
While a man is loud with his opinion
And called a man
Why are words like slut and whore
Reserved for women
When a man will be promiscuous
And called a man.
Why must every muslim be
A terrorist
When there are more shootings
In our own public schools?
Why must a black man be
Of a policeman
Having done nothing wrong
When will we stop making
Jokes about asians
And start improving our country
Why is america so quick
To point fingers
And make excuses
Than to reflect on their wrongs
"It's just a joke"
"I'm not racist"
Don’t make excuses
Make a change.