Dear Heartbreak
Dear Heartbreak,
You're disintegrating me.
All of my feelings of happiness
are gone. It's been months...
why keep torturing me? You're
driving me to complete agony.
I wish the pain of betrayal and
lonliness would stop drowning me.
Each memory
feels like a knife
through my skull.
You're accentuating the pain
of dying inside. Torturing my
mind, body, and soul.
Haunting me, you seem to enjoy
my company. I can feel you waiting,
just waiting, for the moment
you can pounce on me when
I finally feel a glimmer of hope.
Just like that, it's gone.
Your pain never seems to fade.
Instead, just when I believe
you are finally gone, you flood my
mind with old memories that bring
anguish and remorse.
I'm suffering.
Tormented and Afraid,
Your Host.